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Colour Options

Our premium collection of wine racks is available in a range of different colours, styles, sizes and options. Browse below to find a collection of images, design inspiration and advice on purchasing the best wine rack for your exact needs.

We have many different colour options currently available at Wine Stash including:

  • Natural Finish
  • Black Onyx Finish
  • Dark Mahogany Finish
  • Rustic Finish
  • Honey Maple Finish

Natural Finish:  

Our regular and most popular option. This is an un-treated pine and is sourced from sustainably sourced plantations. This is also our cheapest option and is available in moth the Premium Collections and the Modular Collections. 

Wine Stash - Natural Finish for All Wine Racks

Wine Stash - Black Wine Rack

Black Onyx Finish:

This finish contains three coats of a premium glossy black finish which has been hand selected to help you match the decor of any room. This finish will provide an elegant and sophisticated look. 

Placing the wine rack against a light or neutral colour will help the wine rack to stand out, helping show off your growing wine collection in style!

Dark Mahogany Finish:

The Dark Mahogany Finish has also been hand-picked to help you match the decor of any room. 

The timber is sanded and finished prior to undergoing four coats to provide you with a durable and long lasting coat which will prolong the life of the wine rack.


The Dark Mahogany finish will provide a feeling of warmth, naturalness and comfort. Providing a great opportunity to liven-up your home, whilst professionally storing your wine.

Wine Stash - Dark Mahogany - Dark Brown Wooden Wine Rack
Wine Stash - Honey Maple Finish

Honey Maple Finish:


This Wine Stash Online Exclusive colour is reserved for our Custom Wine Racks. 

This finish provides an open and relaxed feel and is custom made for specific orders on request.

Rustic Finish: 

 Premium Hardwood with a unique rustic finish.

 Provides a more traditional and warm atmosphere.

Wine Stash Rustic Finish Example

With each of these options, the timber is finished, sanded, polished and only then is our Wine Stash Exclusive colours applied. Up to 4 coats are applied for each piece of timber. This ensures that your wine rack will endure the test of time and comfortable store your wine for lifetimes.


You can also contact a member of the Wine Stash team if you have any other questions.

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